The Fitmeals clone

Mallikarjun Haralalli
5 min readApr 1, 2022

Building the clone of “”

Hello reader, Mallikarjun this side welcomes you to another blog post. Let me introduce you to the platform first, so “” is a healthy food ordering website, The intention was to introduce the concept of healthy eating and I assigned the task to create a clone of this website from scratch, sounds interesting right? So let me take you a few days back where I was setting up my desk to initiate the development. I did this alone because I was an async student and those who do not have to do it in a group.

What is Fitmeals?

Fitmeals is a delivery service that gives you a healthy meal in your city. People think that living in a city far from home which means you cannot get a healthy meal to make it wrong, fitmeals give you a variety of meal plan to leave you a healthy lifestyle. From here you can choose your meal and healthy products.

How I planned to complete the project

First of all, I decided to work on a landing page I added a few features and tried to replicate the original website and after that, I coded it to give a good look to the website. I faced the most challenging animations and CSS when I am cloning this website.

Tech Stack used

In this whole fully functional website I used HTML, CSS, Javascript Express.js MongoDB and for deployment, I used Heroku and Vercel.

Tech Stack

Challenges Faced

If you are working on a big and full-stack project, there are always some challenges waiting for you, with us too it was nothing different.

1. Animation and CSS

Animation and CSS on this web page are more challenging and fun, so I really happy to do more attractive websites like this I enjoyed the whole challenging things done.

2. Handling Backend

The most crucial part of any big website, I faced a few problems at some phases, but in the end, I learned some new things and resolved all issues.

3. Time Constraint

Last but not the least, I had to complete the project in a span of 5 days, so there was pressure, that I was carrying it all, but with all my dedication and hard work I managed to complete it in just 4 days, surprised? but yes that is the truth.

Now let me take a pause and thank you as well for being with me till here, yes this smile that you are having right now, I care for that. Now let me showcase my project to you.

Showcasing Project

  • The Landing Page (Home Page)
Home Page
  • Login/Signup Page
Login/Signup Page
  • Product Page and Cart Page
Product page and Cart page
  • Payment Gateway
Payment Gateway

These were just some of the parts, you can go through the whole website by clicking here:-

Also the public GitHub repo link is here:-

Connect me on LinkedIn by clicking here:-

Major takeaways from the Project

There is a lot of learning to take when you work on an individual project, and it is even more if you are working for the very first time.

1. Learning new Animation effects and CSS

2. Learning Express.js and MongoDB

3. Getting industry like experience

4. Work within the time constraints

”Whatever happened was good. What’s happening is going well. Whatever will happen will also be good. Do not worry about the future. Live in the present.” — Lord Krishna

If you are still here listening to me, I am so glad and I thank you with all my heart, Before going I would like you to rate my project and give suggestions in the comments, I would love to have them. Once again thank you and I will meet again after a month with some other exciting project.

