Mallikarjun Haralalli
4 min readDec 19, 2021


How did we build the Desertcart shopping website clone?

Hi reader, you might have visited, read, or heard about the desert Cart, a place where online shopping is done, across the world. It’s a place where you can do online shopping. The best part is that you get discount’s on products.
For more information go to

Moving on ahead, my teammates Akhilesh Javalagi, Haleema Zehera, and Mallikarjun Haralalli at Masai school, developed the clone on Desert Cart in 6 days as a part of the curriculum’s Module 1st project evaluation. This blog is all about what are all things we used? , How we did it? What challenges did we face? and How did we overcome those challenges?


We used HTML CSS Javascript for building the website.

Yes, I know what you might be thinking. How is it possible to make the clone with just 3 technologies? Well, as we have just started our humble journey to learn full-stack web development at the Masai school, we just knew these technologies so far. But I hope you would appreciate the amount of precision and the perfectness we have achieved. To know how we did it please keep reading.


Before answering the big question of “ How we did it? ”, let me show you some snippets of our website.

Exploring the categories
Products page
Payment Page

I hope, I am not overwhelming you with so many snippets. The snippets attached above are just some parts of what we have made so that you could compare them with the actual website.

Now answering the big question of how we did it, I would like to say that it is because of the guidance of our captain Chandrashekhar & the dedication towards making the website pixel perfect, I and my wonderful teammates had able to achieve our goal. As part of Masai school, we have always believed that communication and skills are greater than knowledge so it is because of effective communication and sheer will to understand complicated things and make them simple to understand, we were able to create the page with comparatively fewer resources.


As it was the first time for us to collaborate remotely on a project. We faced quite a few challenges while developing the clone.

The challenges we can remember are as follows:-
1. Git was fairly new to us and thus it became a challenge to merge the code and solve the conflicts. Sometimes we worked till 3 am just to merge the code and improve the final version afterward.

2. As we are not using and UI libraries yet, we faced a lot of challenges while getting a similar layout on different screen sizes. Although we were able to manage most of it, this issue is something that we got to know could only be resolved with the UI libraries (which we have not studied yet), so we decide to move on and fix other things.


As mentioned earlier, we were able to attain the required layout because of the communication that we maintained. The command chain that we follow and the level of understanding about the topic we had. I felt proud to work with such amazing people and represent the team in the evaluation.

Check out the repository on GitHub:

“Set your Heart upon your work, But Never its Reward” — Lord Krishna

Thank you



Mallikarjun Haralalli
Mallikarjun Haralalli

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